Mansion Day School

Mansion Day School Summer Camp

72 Woodland Ave. , Columbus, OH 43203
5.0 1 Review
Tracey LK
Mar 27 2017
Two (2) of my children have attended the summer camp at Mansion Day School. One went the summer after 4th grade and the other went for preschool. For both of the children it was important for me to find a summer camp that took time to integrate learning retention with summer fun. The 4th grader struggled with her times tables before the camp. During camp she did academics in the morning to include multiplication which ultimately helped her as she transitioned into the 5th grade. She also went on field trips, learned about different cultures each week and met a lot of friends that summer. My preschooler had a blast with water play and the afternoon activities. During the mornings she also had more structured learning to help her reiterate what she learned during the school year, which was awesome. Im sure she would say that the water play was her favorite part though. Overall I love the summer program and would recommend it to any parent that wants to keep an academic focus in the summer as well as adventure time.