Capital District Writing Project

Capital District Writing Project - Young Writers Workshops

Camp Description
CDWP's Young Writers Workshops are designed for young people who love to write! Workshop facilitators are gifted and experienced K-12 educators from across the Capital Region. Our facilitators challenge young people to grow as writers in fun and interactive ways and within a supportive community.
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Camp Information
07/08/24 to 07/12/24
Half Day

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1st to 10th
Full Price: $225.00

Scholarships may be available. Please direct inquiries to Nancy Czachor at

Writers may bring snacks and drinks.



To the best of our ability we will work to accommodate all writers' needs.

Opens: 01/13/2024

Closes: 05/31/2024

Nancy Czachor , Young Writers Workshop Coordinator

1400 Washington Avenue - Catskill Building Albany NY 12222