One World Project

Seeds and Chefs

Camp Description
What are your children doing for Spring Recess? At OWP we will be digging in dirt, planting veggies, testing recipes, and practicing Spanish as part of our Seeds & Chefs camp.

Our garden will be back and ready for action after a long winter, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
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Camp Information
04/22/24 to 04/26/24
Full Day

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
2 to 10 years
Pre-K to 3rd
Full Price: $850.00


Half day (9am-12:30pm): $550 Full day (9am-3pm): $700 Extended day (9am-5pm): $850


Opens: 03/01/2024

Closes: 04/16/2024

Leo Posel , Development/Communications Associate

302 Vanderbilt Street Brooklyn NY 11218