Camp Hope is our three week, day camp for children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade. It is an adult-mentored, student-led ministry. Each day children will hear a new bible story, learn what it means to their life through snacks, games, and drama.
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Camp Information
06/10/24 to 06/14/24
06/17/24 to 06/21/24
06/24/24 to 06/28/24
Full Day
9:30 AM to
3:30 PM
K to 6th
Full Price: $95.00 Sibling Price: $90.00
Before Camp begins at 7:30 am
After Camp is from 3:30-6 pm
Sack lunch each day except Chick-Fil-A on Wednesdays if opt in.
We are happy to work with any kid to the best of our ability.
Opens: 03/01/2024
Closes: 06/10/2024
, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries