Kettering Recreation Center

Camp Daybreak (Preschool Camp)

Camp Description
Preschoolers will "Fill their Buckets" with crafts, dramatic play, games, songs and outdoor play in the half-day morning camp. Their weekly themes will mirror those of the traditional camps so they can enjoy the bucket fillin experience too! Extended Care available in the AM only!
Parent Reviews

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Camp Information
05/23/16 to 05/27/16
05/31/16 to 06/03/16
06/06/16 to 06/10/16
06/13/16 to 06/17/16
06/20/16 to 06/24/16
06/27/16 to 07/01/16
07/05/16 to 07/08/16
07/11/16 to 07/15/16
07/18/16 to 07/22/16
07/25/16 to 07/29/16
08/01/16 to 08/05/16
08/08/16 to 08/12/16
Full Day

9:00 to 11:30
3 to 5 years


Check website for Discount Information


7 am- 9am, 4pm-6pm Additional Cost Applies, please see website for more information

Opens: 04/07/2016

Kelsey Whipp , Program Supervisor

2900 Glengarry Dr. Dayton OH 45420