Breathing Space

Kids Yoga Camp - Capitol Hill

Camp Description
Breathing Space summer camp provides children with a fun, creative, educational, and enriching experience through yoga movement classes, mindfulness activities, relaxation, games, crafts, field trips, and outdoor time.

Each week-long camp is sure to create lasting memories, new friendships, and a f
Parent Reviews
Camp Information
07/08/24 to 07/12/24
07/15/24 to 07/19/24
07/22/24 to 07/26/24
07/29/24 to 08/02/24
08/05/24 to 08/09/24
08/12/24 to 08/16/24
08/19/24 to 08/23/24

8:45 AM to 4:00 PM
5 to 10 years
K to 4th
Full Price: $250.00
Early Bird: $225.00
Other Price: $125.00


Half day campers pay $125, Early bird ends May 31, sibling discount available.

We are pleased to partner with Labyrinth Puzzles & Games to offer tabletop game classes daily.

Campers bring packed lunches. No nuts or peanuts please.

Opens: 01/25/2024

Jen Mueller , Director

301 A Street Southeast Washington DC 20003